Can, Cannot in Korean: 을/ㄹ 수 있다

How to say I can or cannot in Korean

How do you say you can do something in Korean? First, get the action (verb) that you can do. Then:

Note that if the stem ends in a ㄹ, just attach 수 있다. Let’s see some examples:

먹다 (to eat)
먹을 수 있어요 (I can eat)
배우다 (to learn)
배울 수 있어요 (I can learn)

Sentence examples:

저는 한국어를 할 수 있어요.

I can speak Korean.

저는 운전할 수 있어요.

I can drive.

How to say I can’t in Korean

Here’s how to say you cannot do something in Korean:

Note that if the stem ends in a ㄹ, just attach 수 잆다. Let’s review:

저는 한국어를 빨리 할 수 없어요.

I can’t speak Korean quickly.

저는 도서관에 갈 수 없어요.

I can’t go to the library.

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Did you know?

This grammar form, ㄹ/을 수 있다/없다, is used to convey the meaning that you physically can or cannot do something, or that something literally is or is not possible.

This is because “수” means “ability.”

There are other ways to say can/cannot that imply you do something well or poorly. We’ll cover these later.

Conversation Practice

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신: 저는 버스를 탈 수 없어요.

서연: 저도 버스를 탈 수 없어요.

Shin: I can’t take the bus.

SeoYeon: I also can’t take the bus.

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Vocab Review!

버스 = bus
잆다 = to not exist
타다 = to ride/to take
운전하다 = to drive
도서관 = library
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