Do, Do Not in Korean: (으)세요, 지 마세요

How to Ask For Favors in Korean

To ask someone to do something for you, first, pick the action (verb) you need them to do for you. Then:


사다 (to buy)
세요 (Please buy)
읽다 (to read)
으세요 (Please read)

Sentence examples:

감자를 사세요.

Please buy potatoes.

열심히 공부하세요.

Please study hard.

책을 읽으세요.

Please read the book.

warning sign

Exception 1: for verbs that end with the consonant ㄹ, like “팔다” (to sell), remove the ㄹ before adding 세요:

많이 파세요!

Please sell a lot!

light bulb

Did you know?

많이 파세요 is a common way to say goodbye to a shop owner after you make a purchase.

Exception 2: for verbs that end with the consonant ㅂ, like “굽다” (to bake), remove the ㅂ, add 우, then 세요:


Please bake!

How to Say “Do Not” in Korean

To ask someone to not do something, simply add “지 마세요” to the verb stem.

지 마세요.

Don’t go.

사진을 찍지 마세요.

Please don’t take photos.

check mark

Vocab Review!

사진 = photos
찍다 = to stab/stamp/take (a pic)
굽다 = to bake
팔다 = to sell
책 = book
사다 = to buy
읽다 = to read
감자 = potatoes
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