Plurals in Korean with 들

How to pluralize nouns in Korean

In English, we pluralize our nouns in many different ways:

cats → cats
child → children
fish → fish
berry → berries

In Korean, it’s much simpler. We simply add the particle :

고양이 → 고양이 (cats)
도시 → 도시 (cities)
물고기 → 물고기 (fish)
의자 → 의자 (chairs)

Sentence example:

저는 고양이을 좋아해요.

I like cats.

그 의자이 너무 무거워요.

Those chairs are very heavy.

light bulb
Did you know?

Plural nouns are usually not necessary in Korean.

It may be obvious from the context:

연필이 많이 있어요.

There are many pencils (‘many’ implies plurality already).

원숭이는 바나나를 좋아해요.

Monkeys like bananas (talking about monkeys/bananas in general).

Similarly, the 들 can be dropped from both of the first two sentences in this lesson.

저는 고양이를 좋아해요.

I like cats (it’s implied I’m talking about cats in general).

그 의자가 너무 무거워요.

Those chairs are very heavy (I’m pointing to a group of chairs).

So, what’s a case where the 들 should be used? Well, if you need to clarify that you’re talking about multiple of a noun:

도시에 대저택이 있어요.

There are mansions in the city (clarifies there’s more than one mansion).

However, even in this case, you could argue 들 is not necessary.

Wrap Up

Korean is very context dependent. The use of plural nouns is probably one of the things that Korean learners struggle with the most when learning English (and perhaps, vice versa).

Also, notice how “의자들이” changes to “의자가” after we took the 들 out. This is because 자 requires a different subject marker (see prev lesson).

Ok - see you next time!

check mark

Vocab Review!

대저택 (mansion)
도시 (city/ies)
원숭이 (monkey/s)
물고기 (fish)
고양이 (cat/s)
의자 (chair/s)
연필 (pencil/s)
무겁다 (to be heavy)
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