Saying "I Want To" in Korean

How to say "I want to" do something in Korean

In the previous lesson, we learned about verb stems.

가다 (to go) →
먹다 (to eat) →
보다 (to see) →

To say “I want to” do a verb in Korean, we need to attach a grammar form to its verb stem.

First, take a verb stem and attach “고 싶다.

가다 → 고 싶다 (to want to go)
먹다 → 고 싶다 (to want to eat)
보다 → 고 싶다 (to want to see)

싶다 is also a verb! So, to use this grammar form in a sentence, you need to conjugate 싶다.

Using the rules we’ve learned on conjugation, we can make sentences such as:

보고 싶어요
want to watch


저는 커피를 마시고 싶어요

I want to drink coffee

저는 피자를 먹고 싶어요

I want to eat pizza

To say you want to have something, you can also use this form.

가지다 means “to have,” and you can combine it with 고 싶다 to say you want to have something.

가지고 싶다 (to want to have)


이 가방을 가지고 싶어요

I want to have this bag

light bulb
Did you know?

가지다 can also be shortened to 갖다, and can be used in the same way.

갖고 싶다 (to want to have)

원하다 is a verb that, by itself, means “to want.” You can directly conjugate it to get:

(Noun) 원해요

I want (noun)

Note that 원하다 is not normally used to express a desire to have something tangible (i.e. an object). It’s also not commonly used in daily speech.

You may hear it in song lyrics or in situations where there’s a romantic undertone:

사랑을 원해요

I want love

Wrap Up

Note that the 고 싶다 form we just learned can only be used to say “I want to” or “You want to”, not “He/she/they want to."" We’ll cover how to say the latter in a future lesson.

check mark

Vocab Review!

가방 (bag)
원하다 (to want)
피자 (pizza)
커피 (coffee)
티비 (TV)
마시다 (to drink)
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