The Particle 도

How to say "me too" in Korean

The particle can be attached after a noun to add new meaning to what you’re trying to say.

도 means “even,” “also,” or “too,” depending on what you’re saying.


저 + → 저도
Even me/I also/Me too
한국어 + → 한국어도
Even Korean/Korean also/Korean too

Conversation Practice

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준: 저는 커피를 좋아해요. 케이크도 좋아해요.

지원: 저도 케이크를 좋아해요.

Jun: I like coffee. I also like cake.

Jiwon: I like cake, too.

star sparkle
Wrap Up
star sparkle

Note that this particle, 도, will take the place of any marker, such as the subject or object markers.

See you in the next lesson!

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